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Receive a Custom Individualized Program Just for You!


At Diamond Edge Athletics, we lead the way in online athletic training by blending cutting-edge technology with the latest scientific research. Our commitment to integrating evidence based methods ensures that athletes benefit from optimized performance, reduced injury risk, and accelerated recovery. Experience the difference of our innovative approach to training today!

The Next Generation of Online Training Begins Here

Assessment Process

Our assessment process is essential for creating personalized training programs. We start with a General Posture Assessment to evaluate body alignment and balance, followed by comprehensive Range of Motion and Mobility Assessments for the upper and lower extremities, hips, and spine. This thorough evaluation allows us to tailor each program to enhance athletic performance and meet individual needs.


An individualized plan to attack Your weaknesses

At DEA, we create personalized training programs tailored to each athlete's specific needs, sport, and assessment results. Our comprehensive approach includes corrective exercises, soft tissue mobilizations, sport-specific warm-ups, strength training, plyometric and speed work, and personalized nutrition guidelines. This individualized strategy helps athletes target weaknesses, enhance strengths, and achieve their goals effectively.

Athlete Monitoring and Progression Data

Our Athlete Monitoring and Progression Data system tracks key performance metrics to optimize athletic development. We monitor strength, sprint times, and vertical jump performance, tailoring training programs for consistent improvement. By also tracking body composition and providing nutrition guidance, Diamond Edge Athletics empowers athletes with individualized feedback, helping them achieve their desired physique and performance goals.

Mobile Phone Mock-ups


At Diamond Edge Athletics, we emphasize open communication with our athletes. They have 24/7 access to coaches via text messaging for prompt responses to questions. Athletes can also schedule phone calls at their convenience to discuss training progress and receive personalized advice. Our commitment to accessible communication builds strong coach-athlete relationships and drives athletic success through tailored coaching.

No Guesswork, We will handle that

We design a customized training program tailored to each athlete's needs and goals. All athletes need to do is train. We eliminate uncertainty, allowing athletes to focus and confidently pursue their training journey. Experience the Diamond Edge difference - where we handle the details, and you give your all!

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